1 min read

Use Sass to highlight which media query is active

Often on sites that have many breakpoints it becomes increasingly difficult to figure out exactly which breakpoint you’re targeting; especially when you use $variables for breakpoint values (which speeds up development when using something like Breakpoint).

Include the following _debug-breakpoint.scss file in your main Sass stylesheet and you can easily see which breakpoint you’re in.

$debug-breakpoint: true;
$bp1: 'min-width: 20em'; // 320px
$bp2: 'min-width: 30em'; // 480px
$bp3: 'min-width: 37.5em'; // 600px
$bp4: 'min-width: 48em'; // 768px
$bp5: 'min-width: 56.25em'; // 900px
$bp6: 'min-width: 68.75em'; // 1100px
$bp7: 'min-width: 81.25em'; // 1300px
@if ($debug-breakpoint == true) {
body:before {
content: 'Initial';
position: fixed;
text-align: center;
bottom: 0;
left: 0;
width: 100%;
background: rgba(0,0,0,0.85);
color: #FFF;
font-weight: bold;
z-index: 999;
padding: 1em 2em;
@media( $bp1 ) {
content: 'Breakpoint 1'
@media( $bp2 ) {
content: 'Breakpoint 2'
@media( $bp3 ) {
content: 'Breakpoint 3'
@media( $bp4 ) {
content: 'Breakpoint 4'
@media( $bp5 ) {
content: 'Breakpoint 5'
@media( $bp6 ) {
content: 'Breakpoint 6'
@media( $bp7 ) {
content: 'Breakpoint 7'

I recommend you place the $debug-breakpoint and $bp1 - $bp7 variables in a dedicated _vars.scss file for easy access.

Will this work for every type of breakpoint?

No. If you define overlapping min-width and max-width breakpoints then it might break. Haven’t tested that. It’s designed to be mobile-first and therefore only min-width values.
