1 min read

Show the full page hierarchy in the HTML title tag with Kirby

Kirby provides a built in breadcrumb() function and a handy example to show users their current journey within a site. The order need to be reversed for the browser title so the current page title is listed first so it’s visible to the user.

// Start off with an empty $title
$title = '';
// Get all the parents (except the homepage) and reverse the array
$parents = $site->breadcrumb()->not('home')->flip();
// Iterate over the array
foreach ($parents AS $parent) :
// Add each title to a variable (with a pike as a separator)
$title .= $parent->title() . ' | ';
// Add the site title last
$title .= $site->title();
<!-- Echo the title variable inside the <title> tag -->
<title><?php echo $title; ?></title>
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